
* Located on 1st floor of the college building.

* Completely independent section spread in 297.89 Sq. mtr. Area.

* Book Stacking Area: Subject wise labeled shelves.

* Reference Section Resources available: journals, magazines, encyclopedia, handbooks, dictionaries, etc.

* Digital Library: 25 PCs connected on LAN, Seating capacity 25.

* Internet Bandwidth-4mbps.

Total Collection= 3215

Print Journals/ Magazines= 40

* K-Hub Architecture Collection(Online Books-1023, E-Journals- 1013)

* Library possesses 626 theses given on loan by BKPS College, Pune.

* It is accessible to students of all colleges.

* Dissertations: 283

* Project Reports:478

* Dissertation (Masters):51

* Resource Centre equipped with projector, audio-visual facility blackboard and possesses collection of dissertations, project reports, portfolios etc.

* Reference service

* Home Lending scheme

* Free Internet facility

* Reprography service

* Print facility

* Scan facility

Library conducts book talks, book exhibition and such programs to promote the habit of book reading.
